CAC Club Specialty KCHCH Liberec (CZ) - Liberec winner (BIS)

13/09/2008 22:45
13.9. 2008  CAC Specialty/Club show Liberec (CZ)


ICh. Janek              champion class   V1  CAC
                                                            Best male
                                                            Best male of club show
                                                            res. BIG
                                 BEST IN SHOW– VÍTĚZ LIBERCE 2008 !
winner of madame Kincaid cup/vítěz poháru madam Kincaid z Panamy


Ch. Mona Lisa         champion class    V1 CAC
                                                             Best female in breed (BOS)
                                                             2nd best female of club show


rozhodčí pro plemeno/ breed judge:                Dr. Miroslav Guniš (SK)

Nejlepší pes sk. X. FCI/ Best male of FCI:    Dr. Miroslav Guniš

Nejlepší fena sk. X. FCI/ Best female of X. group FCI:  Dr. Miroslav Guniš

BIG X. judge:     Vladimír Panuška (CZ) + Dr. Miroslav Guniš (SK)

Best male of Liberec show (all breeds) :   Ing. Jančík Leoš (CZ)

Best in show – Liberec winner judges:      Ing. Leoš Jančík (CZ)

                                                               Dr. Guniš Miroslav (SK)  

                                                               Zdeněk Kliment (CZ)

                                                               Andráš Polgár

                                                            Mgr. Božena Ovesná (CZ)

Many thanks to all those judges! / Všem rozhodčím děkujeme!


 7 cups from that day


CONGRATULATION to Janek´s offsprings:


Ahmad: V1 CAJC, best junior (JBOB), junior BIS male, junior BIS (all breeds)     
Aisha: V1 CAJC, best junior female, junior BIS female (all breeds)    


           left: Aisha    right: Ahmad


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